People might think I'm weird (and at times I am a bit quirky), but I don't think there is anything wrong with having two different vegetables with a meal. 5 SERVINGS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ARE RECOMMENDED PER DAY! When I cook several dishes (not a casserole or soup), I try to have 4 items. It looks better on a plate. Also, a variety of colors makes it more appealing to the eye. I wanted pasta (starch) with our meal last night with our lemon pepper chicken. But, didn't want to do a potato or rice because I thought that was too many carbs. So, I decided to do corn and peas. Now, I do realize that those are the starchiest of vegetables, but it worked and gave nice color to the ensemble. So, tilapia with lemon-pepper seasoning sprinkled on it baked in the oven; box of Suddenly Salad pasta; canned corn and canned peas; buttered whole wheat bread. Now, in the future, I am going to try to buy more frozen vegetables, rather than canned veggies. I'm leery of the added sodium and preservatives in the canned goods. I also believe that frozen veggies retain more nutrients than canned. As far as the pasta salad, I'm sure if I would have made a homemade pasta salad instead of out of a box, it would have been healthier. But, this was on hand, fast, and easy.
Can't wait for the fresh vegetables from our garden; if we can get all the snow melted and the ground dried out!
In the post, I said we had lemon-pepper chicken. It was actually tilapia fillets. Lemon-pepper chicken is very good, but I mis-typed. We had fish last night.